Kadius, The world's most versatile ceiling-mounted unit


World's most versatile
ceiling unit

The patent-pending 360° air outlet with its special air inlet concept on the top of the unit guarantees the even and comfortable distribution of warm or cool air – regardless of whether the fan coil is suspended or mounted under the ceiling.

  • Heizen Icon Heating
  • Kühlen Icon Cooling
ISH 2025 Design Plus Award Nominee
Grafik KaDius Montage und Deckenhöhe

Various installation options

Thanks to their unique unit design, KaDius units can be positioned directly below the ceiling, but also integrated freely suspended into the interior architecture of the space where they can also be used as a design element.

Individually configurable look

Air conditioning without compromising on design: as the KaDius draws in room air on the top of the unit, its outer shell can be individually configured with trims, materials or lights. Whether they opt for films, metal or LEDs – once delivered, interior architects can configure the unit to match the interior design. All units can be factory-powder-coated in all RAL colours.

Kampmann Kadius in Holzoptik mit Lichtring
Kampmann Kadius in Gold Verkleidung mit Lichtring, Einbau in einem Hotel
Kampmann Kadius in Weiß, Einbau in einer Veranstaltungshalle
Kampmann Kadius in Grün, Einbau in einem Eingangsbereich
Icon Heizen und Kühlen


Heating in W 1

2.003 - 5.645

Cooling in W 2

2.014 - 5.539

1) Heating at 45/40/20°

2) Cooling at 7/12/27° - 48% RH.

GIF low weight


in kg


Icon Durchmesser


Height in mm


Diameter in mm


Installation made easy

KaDius units can be quickly and easily installed, thanks to their clever design with optional wire cable fixing, pre-mounted connections, and stainless steel corrugated pipes. Their lightweight expanded polypropylene (EPP) body simplifies transport and installation, at the same time as improving the efficiency of air routing within the unit.

Innovative connecting technology: all components, such as valves or accessories, are housed within the unit so that the ceiling architecure is not disrupted by prominent air conditioning components.

Kampmann Kadius in schwarz, Abhägend, Ansicht von oben

Unique maintenance concept

As the bottom section of the unit can be lowered, there is convenient access to all components 360° around the unit without it having to be dismantled. This saves time and personnel. Maintenance work is reduced to a minimum.

GIF Hygienezertifiziert

Hygiene compliant with VDI 6022

KaDius units fulfil the most exacting hygiene requirements and are certified to VDI 6022. This makes them ideal for sensitive areas of application, such as schools, administrations, offices or health facilities.

GIF ERP Konform Lüften

High-tech EPP material

KaDius units are primarily made of expanded polypropylene (EPP), a foamed plastic consisting of up to 96% air. This makes them more environmentally friendly, easier to transport and assemble, and reduces their CO₂ footprint by about 45% compared to conventional ceiling cassettes.

GIF Ökobilanzdaten

Life Cycle Assessment Data (EPDs)

We look at the environmental impact of our products over their entire life cycle. Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) can be submitted with ease to all building sustainability certification systems, such as DGNB, BREEAM or LEED.